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  • Don’t Leave Your Computer on the Top Bunk

Don’t Leave Your Computer on the Top Bunk

Ferg’s Focus Vol. 6.5

Happy New Year everyone. Thanks for following me into 2023. As I open up the new year down here in South America, I regret to inform that my computer screen is officially broken. Apparently, there were some lingering effects from its fall off the top bunk of a hostel bed about three months ago. Who knew that could cause some damage? 

As I figure out the best way to get this thing fixed without spending all of my travel budget (or time), I will be effectively delaying Ferg’s Focus for a little bit. Yes, disappointing. But best to get the worst news of the year out of the way this early.

I think what I’ll try to do is throw together something on video at some point. But I’m not really promising anything. Right now, as I voice-dictate this memo, I am packing a bag to hit the beach for the day: maté, thermos, towel, sunscreen (@Mother). There’s not much Internet down here on the coast either; I’ll be offline. Until the next time I can send something out, here’s a nice photo to illustrate what I’ll be doing over the next few weeks instead.

I’ll see you when I see you.


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